Quicksand: Because Sometimes You Just Need to Share Your Story

So now, we are lost,wet, full of sand, covered in bruises, sunburnt and exhausted. Yet, here we are, our crazy selves having the time of our lives. We had no idea where we were going or how to get there. We slipped off of boards into the water, cut our legs on grass, and peed our pants several times laughing but hey, the creek washed that away. It was a long, hard journey but we were determined to keep going, not knowing all the while it was the wrong way, we had been lied to…

What would life be like if we laughed in the face of all of our problems? What if we continued to have joy and continued to work hard, despite our circumstances? What would it be like if we didn’t give up every time something didn’t go our way? What if we realised that none of us that are able to read these words have anything to complain about in comparison to those living in hunger, slavery, imprisonment? … More Quicksand: Because Sometimes You Just Need to Share Your Story